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Monday, June 16, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars

In the realistic novel, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, you will go on a very emotional roller coaster with 16 year old Hazel Grace Lancaster, her friends, family, something she didn't bargain for, and something she didn't expect.
The Fault in Our Stars is about Hazel Grace and her tragic story of trying to be a normal teen but with lung cancer. The setting mostly takes place in Hazel's home and support group she attends. Hazel is much of a home-body until she mets Augustus Waters.
The setting also takes place at Augustus's house and on the many adventures that Hazel and Augustus take.   However, not all the adventures are all that grea...together they go there so much that will put a smile and then you'll be in tears, but that's no reason not to read this book. Isaac is also a cancer patient in Hazel's support group, who invited Augustus in the first place. These friends go through a lot, from Isaac losing his eyes to cancer then getting back at Isaac's ex-girlfriend.
The relationship Hazel and Augustus are in is confusing. I don't think Hazel even knew where their relationship stood at some points. They went from strangers, to friends, to what, if anything in a number of days. When Hazel found something about Gus, she says "you gave me forever within a numbered days and I'm grateful." This shows that the time they've spent together has been a forever to Hazel.
The theme of this book is, "Pain demands to be felt" but that doesn't mean you need to let it stop you from from living. This book is full of emotion from happy, to sad, to heart-wrenching. Read the book to find out what adventures Augustus and Hazel take, and how their relationship turns out, and if Hazel finally lives HER OWN life.

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