Blogging about Books!
Blogging about Books!
Blogging about Books!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Do you like ghost stories? 

Marshall Seaver use to like ghost stories...not any more.

Click on the above link for a sneak preview of

Morpheus Road.

Coming soon to a library near you.  (-:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I thought of you and this book together...

I've been learning about your reading interests, which you shared on the Inventories. Sometimes I can't help but think of you and certain books I've read, which I think (hope) you might like...

Danielle...The Root Cellar (I did not like historical fiction much until I read this one...has a fantasy element).
Kassy...Looking for Alaska (The characters think for you!)
Sean...The Wednesday Wars (You get humor really well!)

Isaac...The Hunger Games (You're athletic...the "games" might interest youl.
Adam...Any one of the books with Joey Pigza as the main character...he is funny a lot but also a deep you.
Brittany...The Pretties, The Uglies  (You get the whole dystopia thing and on your inventory, you marked sci-fi)
Skyla...Emily Dickinson's poetry ( You are a deep thinker who understands a lot about life already!)
Haley...The Magicians (I couldn't put this fantasy mentioned you didn't like Harry Potter books...neither did I...sorry HP fans...but loved this one)
Emily...Alanna, the First Adventure (series).More to come!